Hands-On Visual Studio 2022

Me complace anunciar el libro “Hands-On Visual Studio 2022” un libro en el que conocerás cómo empezar con Visual Studio 2022 y sacarle provecho a esta herramienta para ser más productivo. 

Este libro está en inglés, cuenta con versiones digitales e impresas. Revisa la descripción en inglés:

Book Description

Visual Studio 2022 is the complete and ideal integrated development environment (IDE) for creating large, complex, and scalable applications. It is one of the most complete tools available for development, especially with Microsoft technologies.

This book will teach you how to take advantage of the tools available with this IDE to write clean code faster. You’ll begin by learning how to set up and start Visual Studio 2022 and how to use all the tools provided by this IDE. You will then explore key combinations, tips, and additional utilities that can help you to code faster and review your code constantly. Next, you will see how to compile, debug, and inspect your project to analyze its current behavior using Visual Studio. The book also shows you how to insert reusable blocks of code writing simple statements. Later, you will learn about visual aids and artificial intelligence that will help you improve productivity and understand what is going on in the project.

By the end of this book, you will be able to set up your development environment using Visual Studio 2022, personalize the tools and layout, and use shortcuts and extensions to improve your productivity.

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